MyPy Coding

MyPy Coding Card Image


Name of Finalist Kasim Khapra

Location McLean, VA

MyPy Coding’s team of over 100 tutors offers free, virtual, one-on-one coding lessons to second through eighth graders. They recruit older students as tutors, fostering connection and engagement among participants. They have also created curricula in multiple coding languages and encourage tutees to learn through applied creative projects. To date, MyPy Coding has reached 147 students, the majority of whom are in the DC area.  

The Problem

As the world rapidly digitizes, the digital divide increases. A basic understanding of Computer Science (CS) can serve as an entryway into internships, jobs, and other opportunities that can accelerate someone’s socioeconomic mobility. The Brookings Institution notes that “At the microeconomic level, CS skills pay off for individuals—both for those who later choose to specialize in CS and those who do not…Careers from law retail all use computing and data more intensively now than in decades past.” 

However, almost 50% of schools nationwide don’t offer any introductory CS classes.  Although the D.C. area (DMV), where most of our team is located, is ahead of the national average, 35% of students from low-income students still don’t have access to a CS education.

Minimal availability in schools combined with the high costs of private CS lessons, sets these students far behind their peers, only perpetuating long-standing racial and economic inequities.

I began coding when I was ten; lessons were the most important part of my elementary school experience, and my CS skills ultimately led me to my first job. Similarly, the 110+ members of our team have also witnessed the transformative nature of CS.

Using coding as a catalyst, we are equipping younger students with the skills needed to be innovators, leaders, and global citizens at a time when digital awareness matters more than ever.

Your Solution

Our team of 112 tutors and 7 leadership members offer free, 1-to-1, online coding lessons to kids in grades 2-8 for digital empowerment.


  • Online format so students can access lessons anywhere. 
  • Students only need a device with Zoom. Most schools offer laptops due to COVID, so tech access is not an issue.
  • Our skilled tutors are in grades 7-12. The close age between students and tutors fosters connections and engagement.
  • Once weekly 30 min sessions

Curriculum and Student Progress:

  • We created curricula in Python, Scratch, & Web Development coding languages to serve a range of ages & skills.
  • Tutors use project-based learning so students can apply their knowledge. A mom wrote to us, “ My son looks forward to his lessons & can apply what he learns to create innovative projects, like an animated Mother's Day message!”
  • We perform regular check-ins to gauge lesson retention

 Establishing Tutor and Student Bases:

  • Work with high school counselors to recruit tutors
  • Partner with nonprofits, schools, and libraries to reach students

How are we unique?

Virtual tutoring grew significantly during COVID, yet there's no other free, 1-on-1, tutoring service in CS. MPC’s volunteer model removes most overhead costs & still provides quality service. We also encourage a recurring cycle of community engagement, offering students the chance to tutor other kids upon completion of their sessions with MPC.

Founding Story

When a friend asked me to teach her son to code, I created a lesson plan with the first projects I had completed, skeptical that he would enjoy our session.

After writing a line of code and watching shapes magically display, his face beamed with pride, reminding me of my own experience. 

His first “lightbulb” moment was also mine: MyPy Coding had something valuable to share. I wanted to replicate his empowering lesson—especially for others in my home, the DMV. If I could teach one kid, why not two? 145 students later, the “lightbulb” moments we see in our students still motivate us to continue.

Your Impact

As of today, we’ve worked with:

  • 147 kids in 3 different countries, but primarily in the DMV 
    • 56% of kids are from a low-income community
  • 112 teenage volunteer tutors
  • 9 partnerships with schools: We work directly with counselors, STEM coordinators, & teachers to recruit tutors & teach new students.
  • 5 partnerships with local nonprofits (for kids): Notably, we partnered with Latino Student Fund, a nonprofit in DC, working with 35 kids 4 times per week online. 
  • Invited by Arlington County Public Schools to present at their annual APS Lets Code! STEM awareness event for families.


MyPy Coding (MPC)  focus is on scaling. Our approach to growth is multi-fold:

  1. School district partnerships: We’ve already successfully collaborated directly with individual schools in my community and would love to bolster our expansion on the county-wide level. We're currently engaging with D.C Public Schools on potential school-wide partnerships
  2. Grow curriculum: Plan to increase opportunities for younger students of MPC by adding more courses and augmenting our Scratch curriculum.
  3. Recruit talent: We are finding the next generation of MPC leaders. We'll bolster outreach to middle school-aged students interested in joining us in a leadership or tutoring capacity.
  4. Create post-MPC opportunities for students: We hope to provide former students with access to internships & other opportunities to employ their MPC skills.


